Every three seconds, together with the battery test, the telephone line is tested. This setting is set by default
to 001, so after the first time the telephone line is noticed to fail, an alarm is given. When this setting is set to
e.g. 100, the control panel will give an alarm if the telephone line has been failing for 100 x 3 seconds
(equals 5 minutes). The alarm will be shown on the display (can be read using F22#) and is registered in the
historical overview.
We advise to program the telephone line fail not too tight, but for instance at 60, which is 3 minutes.
When the value “
” is entered, the telephone line voltage will not be checked. This must for instance be
used when the analogue dialler is not used.
Delaytime mains failure
you can program the number of minutes the control panel waits before
reporting a mains failure. When the mains power fails, a countdown timer starts. During this delay
countdown, the 230V LED on the keypad flashes. When the countdown has ended, the mains failure is
reported to the monitoring station, registered in the historical overview, and shown on the LCD displays.
The 230V LED on the keypad extinguishes.
I/O modules have an extra delay. AlphaVision NG I/O modules wait for 2 minutes before reporting the
mains failure to the control panel. When the control panel received the report from the I/O module, the
control panel’s programmed delay time start counting down.
Attention: AlphaVision 96 I/O modules have a delay of 30 minutes, before the mains failure is reported to
the control panel. Again, the control panel’s programmed delay time starts when the control panel has
received the report from the I/O module. Keep this in mind when programming this field and make sure you
know which I/O modules are being used.
Alarm on LCD if CP ARMED
you can program whether the message “INFORMATION PRESENT” is
shown on the display when the control panel is armed. The default setting is Yes, which means that the
message is shown on the display directly. When a No is programmed, the information will appear on the
display when the system is disarmed. When the message “INFORMATION PRESENT” is shown on the
display, the user is requested to read the information using F22#. Besides the message being shown on the
display, a buzzer will beep every five seconds, for as long as a minute, or when the present information has
been read by executing F22# on the keypad.
Aut. turn off bac LED’s
you can program the way the backlight functions. When this setting is
programmed to Yes, the backlight and the LED’s will normally be off and will only go on when a key is
pressed or when an entry delay starts. When the keypad is not touched for 20 seconds, the backlight will
automatically turn off. This option is used when the keypad is placed in bedrooms or is visible from outside
the secured premises. Another advantage this option has, is the low current drain from the keypads.
F22 instantly accessible with #
is activated, the user can view the present information on the LCD
display by simply pressing the <#> key. When this option is not activated, the user must enter F22# and his
user code first.
When this option is activated, the installation does no longer comply with the security
regulations! According to these regulations, alarm information must be protected with a user code!
Therefore we strongly recommend NOT activating this function.
When the
Duress message
is enabled, the user can use a special duress code instead of his regular user code.
To use the duress code, the last digit of the user code must be added with one. So, if the user code is 445566,
the duress code will be 445567. When the duress code is entered, the control panel reacts as if the regular
user code was entered, but a duress report is send to the monitoring station and the TEL LED is disabled for
15 minutes. In this way there is no visible indication that the duress report is sent to the monitoring station.
AlphaVision NG installation manual Rev. 2.0 27-08-2003 Blz. 48/101
When the option
* + # keycombination
is enabled, the user can use the <*> and <#> keys to activate an
output. The output which will be activated must be programmed in screen 6, at “Activate * + #”. When the