019 AAAA
000000 0 xxxxxxxx xxxxxxx
020 AAAA
000000 0 xxxxxxxx xxxxxxx
At this screen you can program the user codes 01 to 20. The “>” and “<” keys are used to go one page
forward or backward. The <END> key will bring you immediately to the last page, and the <HOME> key
will bring you back to the first page. To leave the program user codes mode, you have to press the <END>
key again when you are at the last screen, or press the <HOME> key again when you are at the first page.
The NAME programmed at a code can consist of four characters. Here you can program the initials or the
name of the user. You can use the characters A to Z, the numbers 1 to 5 or a space. When lower case
characters are programmed, this will automatically be changed to capital characters.
The programmed name is meant as an indication to who is using the user code. This name will be showed in
the historical overview, but only when the option “show historical overview” on the PC is selected. The
name will not be shown when the historical overview is requested from a keypad.
The name programmed to a user code is not send to the monitoring station. The monitoring station will only
see that for instance the 20th user code has been used. With the AlphaManager up/download software it is
possible to see who has been using the user code.
When 4 or 5 digit user codes are used, the programmed user code must be completed with one or two zeros.
So, the four digit user code 4444 should be programmed as 444400, and the five digit user code 55555
should be programmed as 555550. When using 4 or 5 digit user codes, proximity keys cannot be used.
Proximity keys can only be programmed at an LCD/Prox keypad. The internal preprogrammed code in the
proximity key is translated to a unique 6 digit code. When this code is known, it can also be entered
manually on a keypad (the code is shown on the display when programming the proximity key).
The short 2 digit arm code is programmed with 2 digits, followed by 4 zero’s, and programmed as a level 1
code. So, the quick arm code 99# should be programmed as 990000 with a level 1 validity.
2 digit arm codes only work with level 1 validity.
The bottom lines of the last screen look as follows:
097 AAAA 000000 0 xxxxxxxx xxxxxxx
098 AAAA 445566 5 xxxxxxxx xxxxxxx
099 INST 123456 6 xxxxxxxx xxxxxxx
100 RTC 000000 6 xxxxxxxx xxxxxxx
The 98th code is the main user code and can be changed in this screen. The 99th code is the installer code
and cannot be changed here, but only by selection menu option 1 “program control panel”, at installer code.
The 100th code is not used in the Netherlands. This code must however remain programmed as 000000! The
name RTC shown here can be reviewed in the historical overview, showing the automatic arming and
disarming or bypassing zones by the internal Real Time Clock.
you can program the user level for each user code. For more explanation on user levels, see the
list above.
you can program for each code which sections it can manage. With an “x” sign the sections
the code CAN manage are shown. To remove an “x”, press the space bar.
you can program for each code on which days of the week the user code is valid. This might
be useful for users, which are only authorized to manage the system on certain days of the week.
AlphaVision NG installation manual Rev. 2.0 27-08-2003 Blz. 58/101