For your safety
48/ 84
Fresh grease separator plant Lipator-S-RA/Lipator-P-RA
1.2 Designing drainage systems
Wastewater, in which a noteworthy part of the fats exists in non-separable (emulsified)
form, can only be treated effectively in grease separators which operate using the gravity
principle under certain conditions.
Wastewater from dairies, cheese dairies, slaughterhouses, fish and meat processing
Wastewater from catering service companies, e.g. catering establishments in which
pure dishwashing operation exists
Wastewater from waste treatment units
The design must provide for separation of the wastewater substreams, by type, quantity
and state of the wastewater contents. In this way the wastewater substreams can be
treated optimally and the retained substances disposed of properly. If the formation of
stable emulsions in the wastewater cannot be prevented, special wastewater treatment
units are required, e.g. ACO LipuFloc or ACO BioJet.
1.3 Operational regulations
The installation and operation of grease separators is subject to legal provisions and
regional regulations (e.g. respective local byelaws). Further information is available from
the competent authorities. The following standards are listed for orientation purposes and
are to be added to and checked that they are current.
DIN 4040-100: Grease separators – Part 100: Requirements for the use of separators
in accordance with EN 1825-1 and EN 1825-2
EN 1825-1: Grease separators – Part 1: Principles of design, performance and testing,
marking and quality control
EN 1825-2 Grease separators – Part 2: Selection of nominal size, installation, operation
and maintenance
EN 1717: Protection against pollution of potable water in water installations and general
requirements of devices to prevent pollution by backflow
DIN 1988: Codes of practice for drinking water installations - Part 100: Protection of
drinking water, drinking water quality control; DVGW code of practice
DIN 1986-100: Drainage systems on private ground – Part 100: Specifications in
relation to EN 752 and EN 12056
EN 752: Drain and sewer systems outside buildings
EN 12056 (series): Gravity drainage systems inside buildings