KNX control elements and application parameters
Application "Internal RTC"
Product manual 2CKA00xx73xxxxx
The following parameters are available when the "Controller function" parameter
is set on "Cooling with additional stage".
The same parameters are available which are also available when parameter
"Controller function" is set on "Cooling" and parameter "Control value type" on
"2-point 1 bit, On/Off" or "2-point 1 byte, 0/100%".
The additional parameter "Control value type" is available for the additional step.
10.24.98 Control of additional cooling stage — Cooling type
PI continuous, 0 – 100% and PI PWM, On/Off:
Area (e.g. cooling ceiling) 5°C 240 min
Fan coil:
Fan coil 4°C 90 min
Two cooling types (area or fan coil) with preset parameters are available to the user.
If the required cooling type is not available, individual parameters can be specified in free
This parameter is only available when "Control value type" parameter is set
either on "PI continuous, 0 – 100%", "PI PWM, On/Off“ or "Fan coil".
10.24.99 Control of additional cooling stage — P-component (x 0.1°C)
Setting option between 10 - 100
The P-component refers to the proportional band of a control. It fluctuates around the setpoint
value and can be used to influence control speed with a PI controller. The smaller the setpoint,
the faster it reacts to the control. However, to avoid the risk of an overshoot, this value should
not be set too low. A P-component from 0.1 to 25.5 K can be set.
This parameter is only available when "Control value type" parameter is set
either on "PI continuous, 0 – 100%", "PI PWM, On/Off“ or "Fan coil". In addition,
the "Cooling type" parameter must be set on "Free configuration".