KNX control elements and application parameters
Application "Internal RTC"
Product manual 2CKA00xx73xxxxx
10.24.97 Summer compensation — Offset of the set-point temperature for the exit from summer
compensation (x 0.1°C)
Setting option between -127 - 127
The parameter is used to define how many degrees Kelvin the setpoint value will be increased
by during summer compensation when the upper temperature value is reached.
Typical values for summer compensation are:
20°C: Lower outside temperature value
32°C: Upper outside temperature value
0 K: Lower setpoint offset
4 K: Upper setpoint offset
That means that a flowing setpoint increase of 0 to 4 K occurs if the outside temperature
increases from 20°C to 32°C.
This parameter is only available if the "Summer compensation" parameter is set
to "Yes".