ABB i-bus
Group objects
FCC/S 1.X.X.1 | 2CDC 508 200 D0211 Rev A 335
Group objects Controller
Group object name Data Type
Status Heating/Cooling
Channel – Controller 1 bit
DPT 1.100
C, R, T
This group object is enabled if the controller was parametrized for both heating and cooling. For this purpose,
must not be selected for the parameters
Basic-stage heating
Basic-stage cooling
in the
Application parameters
parameter window.
This group object is hidden in actuator mode.
The group object indicates whether the system is currently heating or cooling. Heating/cooling switchover
takes place for controlled devices depending on this group object.
Telegram value:
0: Cooling
1: Heating
Status Control value Basic-
stage heating
Channel – Controller 1 byte / 1 bit
DPT 5.001 / 1.001
C, R, T
The group object is enabled if
was not selected for the parameter
Basic-stage heating
in the
Application parameters
parameter window.
This group object is hidden in actuator mode.
The group object data point type depends on the selected application and the associated control.
Output is via a 1-byte value (DPT 5.001) when the following control types are selected:
2-point 1 byte (0/100 %)
PI continuous (0…100 %)
PI continuous (0…100 %) for Fan Coil
Output is via a 1-bit value (DPT 1.001) when the following control types are selected:
2-point 1 bit (On/Off)
PI PWM (On/Off)
This group object outputs the control value for Basic-stage heating.
Use of a physical device output (e.g. valve) for basic-stage heating.
The group object contains the control value that the controller uses to control the output.
Basic-stage heating is controlled only via group object (no internal use):
The group object sends the control value for controlling a different actuator.