ABB i-bus
FCC/S 1.X.X.1 | 2CDC 508 200 D0211 Rev A 124
Dependent Parameter
Additional-stage cooling
This parameter is visible if, in the
Device function
parameter, the
option is selected and
Basic-stage cooling
parameter is not deactivated.
Area cooling (e.g. cooling ceiling)
Free configuration
Fan coil unit: Water cooling coil
The type of application for the additional-stage cooling is selected with this parameter. The con-
troller is pre-configured based on this selection and can be used for the selected application.
: The additional-stage cooling is deactivated by selecting this option. All dependent
parameters and parameter windows are also deactivated.
Area cooling (e.g. cooling ceiling)
: This option should be selected if an area, e.g. cooling ceiling,
is used as the additional-stage cooling.
Additional-stage cooling control value type
parameter is pre-parameterized to
PI continu-
ous (0…100%)
with the corresponding P and I proportions.
Free configuration
: With this option it is possible to select freely the type of additional-stage
cooling and also the type of control. This option can be selected if the type of application is not
entirely clear or if specific adjustments are necessary.
Additional-stage cooling control value type
parameter is pre-configured to
PI continuous
, however it is possible to select freely between all control types.
Fan coil unit: Water cooling coil
: This option should be selected if the water heating coil in the
fan coil unit is used as the additional-stage cooling.
Additional-stage cooling control value type
parameter is pre-parameterized to
PI continuous
(0…100%) for Fan Coil
with the corresponding P and I proportions.
Dependent parameters:
Actuate additional-stage cooling via
On the selection of the
Fan coil unit: Water cooling coil
options, the fan follows the valve control
value for this stage if the automatic mode is active.
On the selection of the
Free configuration
option, this can also be set via a parameter.