IM 253710-01E
Voltage and current
Within 3 months after calibration
Standard operating conditions
Input signal : Sine wave
Common mode voltage : 0 V
Input signal is 5 cycles or less and there are 10 k-words of sampled data or more within the
observation time.
DC accuracy is NULL function : ON and line filter : ON.
f is the frequency.
(reading error + measurement range error)
(0.2% of r 0.1% of range)
0.1 Hz
f < 10 Hz
(0.2% of r 0.1% of range)
10 Hz
f < 45 Hz
(0.2% of r 0.05% of range)
45 Hz
1 kHz
(0.1% of r 0.05% of range)
1 kHz < f
10 kHz
(0.1% of r 0.05% of range)
10 kHz < f
50 kHz
(0.2% of r 0.1% of range)
50 kHz < f
100 kHz
(0.6% of r 0.2% of range)
100 kHz < f
200 kHz
(0.6% of r 0.2% of range)
200 kHz < f
400 kHz
(1% of r 0.2% of range)
400 kHz < f
500 kHz
((0.1 + 0.006
f*)% of r 0.2% of range)
500 kHz < f
1 MHz
((0.1 + 0.006
f*)% of r 2% of range)
1 MHz < f
5 MHz
((0.1 + 0.006
f*)% of r 2% of range)
* The unit of f in the equation for the reading error is (kHz).
One year accuracy
((reading error) + (measurement range error)
1.5), calibration period is one year.
Influence from the amplitude of the input signal and frequency
For input voltages of 400 Vrms or more, add (reading error)
% of reading. For input
voltages of 400 Vrms or more and frequencies of 100 kHz or more, add an additional 0.005
% of reading (designed value).
U : input voltage (kV), f : frequency (kHz)
Line filter influence
Add 0.5% of reading to the input signal whose frequency is 1/10th of the cut-off frequency
when the line filter is ON.
Measurement range influence
As shown in the above table when the input signal is a sinusoid and its rms value is
between 5 and 55% of the measurement range.
As shown in the above table when the input signal is a DC signal and the value is between
–55 and 55% of the measurement range.
The (reading error) is doubled when the input signal is a sinusoid and its rms value is
between 55 and 70% of the measurement range.
The (reading error) is doubled when the input signal is a DC signal and the value is
between –100 and –55% or 55 to 100% of the measurement range.
Temperature coefficient
Add 0.01% of reading/
C in the range from 5 to 20
C or 26 to 40
C. However, only when the
input signal is 10 kHz or less.
Designed value for frequencies of 10 Hz or less and 1 MHz or more in the above table.
(Only applicable for current sensor input and voltage input of 1 MHz or more.)
Add designed value (1/10th of the reading error)
(5 / number of cycles)
(10 k / number
of words of sampled data)% of reading when the input signal contains less than 5 cycles
and there are less than 10 k-words of sampled data.
For accuracy of cursor measurements, see “Cursor Measurement” in section 17.5,
17.15 Power Measurement Module (253751)