IM 253710-01E
Waveform Display
The relationship between the amplitude levels between signals can be observed by
assigning the amplitude of the input signal of the specified channel on the horizontal axis
(X-axis) and the amplitude level of another input signal (signal that has the display turned
ON) on the vertical axis (Y-axis). Simultaneous observation of an X-Y waveform and a
normal T-Y waveform (waveform display using time axis and amplitude level). X-Y
waveform display is applicable to products (PZ4000) with firmware version 2.01 or later.
Selecting the display format
Select the X-Y display format from the following list of choices:
• X-Y
Only the X-Y waveform is displayed.
• X-Y
The numerical data and X-Y waveform are displayed separately in the top and
bottom windows. For the procedures related to setting the numerical display, see
chapter 8.
• Wave+X-Y
The waveform (normal T-Y waveform) and X-Y waveform are displayed separately
in the top and bottom windows. For the procedures related to setting the waveform
display, see sections 9.1 to 9.8.
Assigning the X-axis (horizontal axis) and Y-axis (vertical axis)
• X-axis
Specify any waveform trace (CH1 to CH8, Math1, and Math2).
• Y-axis
Specify any waveform trace other than the one specified for the X-axis. The
display of the waveform specified must be turned ON.
Setting the display range of the X-Y waveform
• The display range during the normal measurement mode when the time base is set
to internal clock is specified in units of time. The display range when the time base
is set to external clock or during the harmonic measurement mode is specified in
units of data points. When the T-Y waveform and X-Y waveform are displayed
simultaneously, the start position (dot-dashed line) and the end position (dotted
line) are displayed within the display frame of the T-Y waveform. This allows you
to check the display range of the X-Y waveform.
• The range of movement of the start and end positions during the normal
measurement mode when the time base is set to internal clock is from 0 s (left end
of the screen) to the observation time (right end of the screen). The range of
movement of the start and end positions when the time base is set to external clock
or during the harmonic measurement mode is the number of data points equal to
the specified record length. For example, if the record length is set to 100 k-words,
the range is from 0 (left end of the screen) to data point 100 k (right end of the
• The resolution of the display range during the normal measurement mode when
the time base is set to internal clock is equal to observation time
display record
length. The resolution of the display range when the time base is set to external
clock or during the harmonic measurement mode is one data point.
• In order to move the start and end positions simultaneously without changing the
distance between the two, the jog shuttle control must be set to both [Start Pos]
and [End Pos].
9.11 Displaying the X-Y Waveform