IM 253710-01E
$PublicInfo (Common information)
FormatVersion : Version No. of YOKOGAWA’s common header file
Model : Model name
Endian : Endian mode (Big)
when the file was saved
DataFormat : Storage format (Trace)
of the waveform data of the BINARY file
GroupNumber : The number of “$Group” below
TraceTotalNumber : Total number of saved waveforms
DataOffset : Start position
of the waveform data of the BINARY file
$Group1 (Group information)
TraceNumber : The number of waveforms in this group
BlockNumber : The number of blocks in this group
TraceName : Name of each waveform
BlockSize : Number of data points of each waveform in one block
VResolution : The value of coefficient VResolution of the Y-axis converting equation
of each waveform
VOffset : The value of coefficient VOffset of the Y-axis converting equation of each
VDataType : Waveform data type of the BINARY file of each waveform
VUnit : The unit used on the Y-axis of each waveform (no influence on the data)
VPlusOverData : When the BINARY data of each waveform are equal to or greater
than this value, the data are erroneous
VMinusOverData : When the BINARY data of each waveform are equal to or less than
this value, the data are erroneous
VMaxData : Maximum value of the BINARY data of each waveform
VMinData : Minimum value of the BINARY data of each waveform
HResolution : The value of coefficient HResolution of the X-axis converting equation
of each waveform
HOffset : The value of coefficient HOffset of the X-axis converting equation of each
HUnit : The unit used on the X-axis of each waveform (no influence on the data)
Date : The date that the trigger occurred
Time : The time that the trigger occurred
$PrivateInfo (Model-specific information)
ModelVersion : Model version No.
Form: Internal clock frequency for pulse count
(Additional information only when the motor module is installed)
MathBlockNo. : Block No. being computed
FormMath1 : The waveform of Math1 being computed and its information
FormMath2 : The waveform of Math2 being computed and its information
DisplayBlockSize : Data length that is displayed on the screen (display record length)
DisplayPointNo. : Value indicating where the left end of the display record length lies
in the memory (Display offset, the value is equal to 1 when the record length = the
display record length)
PhaseShift : Phase information (advance : –, delay : +)
PTraceName : Bit information of logic waveforms
For details on *1 to *7, see the next page.
Appendix 5 ASCII Header File Format