IM 701510-01E
• Other Measurement items
Area of positive amplitude
Area of positive amplitude - Area of negative amplitude
Total sum of the triangular areas of the X-Y waveform
Total sum of the trapezoid areas of the X-Y waveform
For a detailed description of the area calculation method, refer to Appendix 4.
The “Prox” setting ranges from 0 to 49, in 1 % steps.
The “Distal” setting ranges from 50 to 100, in 1 % steps.
Delay between channels : Delay Setup
The delay between channels is the time difference of the rising or falling edge between
traces or loaded waveforms. For the relation between the channel of measurement and the
reference channel, refer to page 8-10.
Measurement starts when the “Mode” setting is set “ON”. The default setting is “OFF”.
The trigger slope can be either “ ” or “ ” and is selected at the “Edge Polarity” setting. The
default setting is “
”. The number of times the trigger is activated is set at the “Edge
Count” setting, and can be set from 1 to 9. The default setting is “1”. The voltage level at
which triggering occurs is set at the “Threshold Level” setting, and can be selected from
“Volts” or “%”. The default setting is “0.0000 V”. This volts setting range is the voltage
value corresponding to
8 div. The setting step is 0.04 div. % can be set to a percentage of 0
to 100 %, where 100 % corresponds to the amplitude of “HIGH - LOW”. The setting step is
1 %.
The measurement values will be displayed as “Dly”.
Points to note relating to automated measurement
• The cursors and measured values will still be displayed even if a different menu is
selected. However, the cursors cannot then be moved.
• Values gathered by the automated measurement function will be cleared if the cursor
measurement function is turned ON. However, pressing the MEASURE key (when
“Measure” is set to “ON”) will display the automatically measured values.
• If the GO/NO-GO “Mode” has been set to “ON” and the “GO/NOGO EXEC” soft key
has been pressed, the automated measurement function will not operate even if the
MEASURE key is pressed. To operate the automated measurement function, the GO/NO-
GO “Mode” must be set to “OFF”.
• If measurement is not possible, “- - -” will be displayed.
• If two or more periods of the waveform lie within the measuring range, the first period
will be measured.
• Automated measurement is also possible for expanded waveforms. When switching the
display to show the expanded waveform, the position of the cursor on the screen does not
change. When both the pre-zoom and the expanded waveform are displayed, automated
measurement will be performed on the expanded waveform.
• Automated measurement is not synchronized with the update of the displayed waveform.
Hence, the displayed waveform may not match the measured values. To make the
displayed waveform match the automatic measurements, stop acquisition.
• When using waveform computations, the displayed unit will become “div” for
waveforms obtained by addition/subtraction, and “V2” for waveforms obtained by
• Time is measured based on the T/div value set for the input signal waveform. Thus, be
careful if the T/div set for a loaded or recalled waveform does not match the T/div for the
input signal waveform.
• Only the measurement items INTEG1XY and INTEG2XY can be displayed in case of the
X-Y display and T-Y & X-Y display.
8.3 Measuring Waveform Parameters Automatically