IM 701510-01E
Number of waveforms in the history memory
• Acquisition memory retains waveforms for the last N triggers, where N is equivalent to
the maximum number of iterations that can be stored under sequential-store
operation.The record length per waveform (on a given channel) is the same as that for
sequential-store mode. For details, refer to page 7-8.
• Once the history has become full (the number of triggers has exceeded N), each new
waveform acquisition deletes the oldest waveform in the history.
Displaying acquired data
Refer to page 7-8.
Selecting the waveform to be displayed: Display Number
The setting ranges from 0 to 99. The latest data being 0, previous data are being labeled –1,
–2, –3, etc..
Acquisition period
You can extend the acquisition period by setting the hold-off time, which temporarily halts
the trigger detection. This feature makes it possible to obtain a history of a periodically
occurring waveform.
Points to note when using the history memory function
• Data will not be acquired in case of the repetitive sampling mode.
• If data acquisition is aborted while in progress, only the waveforms which have been
acquired so far will appear on the display. Only the acquired waveforms can be selected
at the Display Number setting.
• The history memory function cannot be turned ON when the acquisition mode is set to
average, or when the trigger mode is set to SINGLE, SGL(S), SGL(L), or N-SGL.
• When the history memory function is set to ON, the display cannot be in the roll mode.
• The previously acquired waveforms will not appear on the screen while acquisition is in
• Waveforms will be acquired in the memory even if the display of the input signals has
been turned OFF. To display the acquired waveforms however, the display of the input
signals should be set to ON. Refer to page 5-1.
• When the conditions of waveform acquisition are changed, the history memory function
will be reset and previous waveform data will be lost.
• The history-memory function cannot be switched on if the selected record length is 400
KW, 1 MW, or 2 MW (for DL1540L only).
7.5 Using the History Memory Function (for DL1520L/DL1540/DL1540L)