Specialized Concentrated Focused
3.15.3 Language
Under the interface shown in, pressing F3 can switch languages. At present, NK200 supports Chinese
and English and the selected language is the current system language. After F3 is pressed, a dialog box
pops up to ask whether to switch to another language. Select Yes to confirm and reboot the system, the
language changed successfully.
3.15.4 System Update
Under system info screen, press F2 to update system. A prompt box ejects first to ask whether to update
system with system software, shown as below.
Fig. 3-64 System Update
3.15.5 Configuration Option
NK200 supports “Standard configuration” and “Turntable configuration”, which can be switched by
setting the parameter “Enable Y revolving axis”. When it is set as “True”, “Turntable configuration” is
employed (for the setting of pulse equivalent at this time, refer to section 3.3.2); whe
n “False”, “Standard
configuration” is employed.
Related Parameters
Setting Range
Enable Y revolving axis
It sets whether Y axis is CNC turntable.
True: Valid
False: Invalid
Y revolving pulse unit
The pulse equivalent of Y axis when it is set as
rotary axis
Revolving axis unit
It decides the unit of revolving axis.
True: mm
False: deg
Revolving workpiece radius
Programming radius of the workpiece to be None