Specialized Concentrated Focused
Software License Agreement
After-sales Guarantee:
Weihong Company guarantees that for 90 days from the date of shipment the software carrier will be
free from defects in materials and workmanship. When such a defect has been confirmed, our only
responsibility is to replace the software carrier. This remedy is your exclusive remedy. This after-sales
guarantee is invalid for any carrier defect caused by accidents, abuses or maloperation. The replaced
software carrier enjoys the remaining guarantee time of the original software carrier or of a 30-day
guarantee time, whichever is longer.
Except as the after-sales guarantee made above, the Software Product does not enjoy any other form of
after-sale guarantee.
Limitation of Liability:
The above guarantee, whether made explicitly or by implication, constitutes the entire contents of the
guarantee, including guarantee for the commerciality and applicability of special application aim.
Whether you follow other terms in this agreement or not, Weihong Company, as well as its agents and
sales staff, will not be responsible for any profits loss, availability loss, business break-off or any forms of
indirect, special, accidental or inevitable damage or claim made by any third party, generated from the
using of the Software Product, even if Weihong Company has been informed of the possible occurrence
of such events in advance.
This license may be terminated by Weihong Company at any time once you violate any terms or
conditions made in this agreement. Once the license is terminated, you are obliged to destroy all the
copies of the Software Product or return them to Weihong Company.
Applicable Law:
Copyright Law,
Regulations for the Protection of Computer Software, Patent Law
and other relevant
laws and regulations.
Now, we affirm that you have already read through this agreement and understood it thoroughly and
agreed to comply with all of the terms and conditions of this agreement strictly.
Weihong Electronic Technology Co., Ltd.