Spot welding is mainly used when the bodies are manufactured, and use of this method should always be aimed
for with a repair.
Unless otherwise specified in the method, the distance between the welds must be the same as the original
Fig. 16: Identifying Welding Symbols
There are a number of other assembly methods that are illustrated with the following symbols:
1. Spot weld/spot weld with the location of the weld and lens diameter specified with color (may be
replaced with 2)
2. Plug weld (may be replaced with 1)
3. Seam weld/Seam weld with weld length specified in mm
4. Step weld/Step weld with weld length followed by length between welds specified in mm. Always start
and finish with the weld.
5. Tack weld
CAUTION: If the welding must be carried out in the immediate vicinity of an electronic
unit then this must be removed.
CAUTION: Gas welding must not be used on Volvo bodywork.
Use ventilation / extraction equipment.
2012 Volvo C30 T-5
ACCESSORIES AND BODY, CAB Body Frame - General Information