6. Commissioning
6.1 Software
To start the device a physical address must be assigned first. The assignment of a physical address and setting of parameters is carried out with the ETS commis-
sioning software (ETS 4/ only native application; ETS 5/ only native application).
6.1.1 Preparatory steps
1. Connect a PC via the KNX interface. The ETS commissioning software (ETS 4/ only native application; ETS 5/ only native application) must have been
2. Switch on the bus voltage.
6.1.2 Assigning a physical address
1. Press the programming button (see the illustration opposite) The red (programming) LED goes on.
2. After the physical address has been programmed, the red (programming) LED goes off.
6.1.3 Assigning the group address(es)
The group addresses are assigned in connection with the ETS.
6.1.4 Selection of software application
Please contact our Internet support unit. The application is loaded into the device via the ETS.
6.1.5 Description of software applications
Various functions can be implemented via the ETS commissioning software. The function of the device is dependent on the parameters selected via the re-
spective software application. Detailed description of applications with explanation of parameters see starting from chapter 11.
6.1.6 Instructions on the calibration of the internal light controller
To commission the presence detector with a constant light function you have various parameters available in the ETS. These parameters allow numerous op-
tions for setting, in order to adapt the working mode of the device to individual requirements and circumstances.
Therefore, the type of furniture, floor coverings or sources of interference in the room is of significance. The value to be set in a room with dark furniture will be
less than in a room with a light-coloured floor and light-coloured furniture. Also the effect of the size of the interference, such as heat sources or short-term
changes in brightness, such as passing clouds, can be taken into consideration.
For an optimum function of the constant light control a calibration of the sensor for the brightness detection is required. The following needs to be observed:
• The detection range of the sensor for brightness detection (see the following graphics.
• Reflection characteristics of the ground material within the detection range.
The sensor is calibrated via the respective software application. Observe the following applicable explanations.
Fig. 17: Position of the programming button
and the (programming) LED
Fig. 18: Detection range of the sensor for brightness detection
2,5 m
0,8 m
There are two options for adjusting the brightness via the brightness detection application (see parameter "Correcting process to internal brightness"):