9.5.17 Extended parameters - Dimming step size darker (1 to 15)
1 .. 2 .. 15
- Here the step size for reducing the dimming value during dimming darker is specified.
If the dimming step size is set too high, the dimming steps will be clearly visible in the lighting.
9.5.18 Extended parameters - Use of output 2
: There is only output 1, which sends its telegrams to an actuator.
: An output 2 communication object (output) is being enabled. The constant light controller now regulates the brightness with two outputs (while the
second output is used proportional to the first out) in dependence of brightness. If the measured brightness is less than the setpoint, the value of the first
output is increased up to the upper limit of output 1. During this control phase the second output is controlled proportional. If the setpoint still has not been
reached, the value of the second output is increased up to the upper limit of output 2.
If the measured brightness is higher than the setpoint, the value of the second output is reduced first up the upper limit of output 1 x proportional factor. If the
setpoint still has not been reached, output 1 is lowered up to reaching the lower limit of output 1. During this control phase the second output is controlled
proportional. The bottom value of the second output is limited by the lower limit output 2 parameter. When appropriately parameterized the constant light
controller can also switch off the associated dimming actuator.
9.5.19 Extended parameters - Bottom limit output 2 (%)
0 .. 100
- Here the bottom control limit is specified and up to which minimum value a dimmer is controlled.
9.5.20 Extended parameters - Upper limit output 2 (%)
0 .. 100
- Here the upper control limit is specified and up to which maximum value a dimmer is controlled.
9.5.21 Extended parameters - Proportionality factor output 2 to output 1 (%)
0 .. 100
- Here it is specified how output 2 behaves proportional in comparison to output 1.
For example:
If a factor of 20% is set here, output 2 will always be 20% behind output 1 or when output 1 is dimmed to 30%, output 2 will be dimmed to 10%. Only when
output 1 is on its maximum value and the setpoint has not been reached, output 2 will leave this factor and dim higher until output 2 has also reached its
maximum value.
9.5.22 Extended parameters - Use of object for switch-off delay
: The only option available is to change the switch-off delay via the switch-off delay parameter setting.
: There is a separate 2-byte switch-off delay object (input) for changing the switch-off delay of the presence detector. The time entered is in seconds. A
switch-off delay of 4 minutes, for example, has a value of 240 seconds. This applies to switch-off delay and reduced switch-off delay.
The values which can be sent are between 10 and 65535 seconds. If a value that is too small or too large is sent, the value is automatically adjusted to the limit
› Value < 10 -> Value = 10
› Value > 65535-> Value = 65535
Description of application and parameters
"Constant light controller" application