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Page 57
Pump control with autochange
9.35 Interlock update
Interlock update moment is selected when the dig. input comes true during RUN mode.
: Update after autochange interval or in STOP state ( sleep function). During START
state used drives (interlock TRUE) are taken with in the regulator system .
: Update immediately. When the interlock comes TRUE the frequency converter and auxil-
iary drives are stopped. After this the frequency converter RERUN automatically taking with
drives of regulator system when dig. input is ON.
When dig. input is OFF interlocked drive is stopped if it is in RUN state and it is removed
from the regulator system. Frequency converter and other auxiliary drives are in RUN state.
Fieldbus control
Fieldbus control can be activated with parameter 10.1. Then the frequency or speed refer-
ence comes from the fieldbus as well as the Start/Stop and Reverse control.
First two parameters in group 10 concern all fieldbuses. Parameters 10.3 - 10.6 are only for
Modbus, parameters 10.7 - 10.13 only for Profibus and 10.14 only for LONWorks.
Fieldbus control
Defines the active control source:
0: control via I/O terminals
1: control via Fieldbus board
Parameters 10.2 - 10.5 only for Modbus protocol
Slave address
Defines slave device address. Maximum value for this parameter is 247 and minimum is 1.
Baud rate
1: 300 baud
2: 600 baud
3: 1200 baud
4: 2400 baud
5: 4800 baud
6: 9600 baud
7: 19200 baud
Parity type
0: None
1: Even
2: Odd
Modbus time-out
The Modbus time-out determines how long the Fieldbus board waits for a message from a
master device and is specific in seconds. Time can be set between 0 - 3600 s. Time 0 s =
No time-out.