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Page 47
Pump control with autochange
9. 16
Sleep level
9. 17
Sleep delay
The change of this parameter from value 0.0 Hz activates the sleep function where
the frequency converter is stopped automatically when the frequency of the drive
controlled by the frequency converter is below the sleep level (par. 9
16) continuously
for the duration of the sleep delay (9
17). During the stop state the Pump and fan
control is operating and it turns frequency converter to Run state when the wake up
level defined with parameters 9
18 and 9
19 is reached. See figure 6-28.
9. 18
Wake up level
The wake up level defines the level below which the actual value must fall or which
has to be exceeded before starting the frequency converter from the sleep function.
See figure 6-28.
t < tsleep (param. 9.17)
Wake up level (param. 9.18 )
Actual value
Output frequency
Sleep level
param. 9.16
Start/Stop status of
the var. speed drive
Figure 6-28 Example of the sleep function.
9. 19
Wake up function
This parameter defines if the wake up occurs when the actual value signal falls be-
low or exceeds the wake up level. Furthermore, it shall be selected if the level (Par.
9.18) is percents of maximum value of the actual value or percents of the current
reference signal value.