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Page 52
Pump and fan control with autochange
Autochange of drives
The autochange changes the start and stop order of the drives controlled by the pump- and
fan control. Also the frequency converter controlled drive can be included in the autochange
system. By using the autochange the running periods of the motors can be equal and e.g.
the stalling of the pumps because of being unused for a long period can be prevented.
The autochange can be activated by selecting the autochange mode with parameter 9.27.
The autochange happens when the time period set by parameter 9.28 is elapsed and the
level of used capacity is below the limit defined with parameters 9.29 and 9.30. During the
autochange moment all drives are stopped and then started with new order.
External contactors controlled by the relay outputs of the frequency converter connect the
drives to the mains or to the frequency converter
9. 27
Autochange mode
autochange not in use
Autochange is done by changing the starting order of the auxiliary
drives. See figure 6-33.
The frequency converter controlled drive stays same. Only the mains
contactor is needed for each drive.
Aux. drive 1
Aux. drive 2
Figure 6-33 Autochange only with auxiliary drives