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Page 58
Pump and fan control with autochange
Parameters 10.6 - 10.12 only for Profibus DP protocol
Profibus slave address
Defines slave device address. Maximum value for this parameter is 126 and minimum 2.
Profibus baud rate
1: 9.6 kbaud
2: 19.2 kbaud
3: 93.75 kbaud
4: 187.5 kbaud
5: 500 kbaud
6: 1.5 Mbaud
7: 3 Mbaud
8: 6 Mbaud
9: 12 Mbaud
10: AUTO (Automatic baud rate)
Profibus PPO Type
Selection of profibus PPO type.
1: PPO 1 (Parameter data 8 bytes, Control data 4 bytes)
2: PPO 2 (Parameter data 8 bytes, Control data 4 bytes)
3: PPO 3 (Control data 4 bytes)
4: PPO 4 (Control data 12 bytes)
Profibus process Data 1
Profibus process Data 2
Profibus process Data 3
Profibus process Data 4
Selection of profibus process data source.
Value 1 . . . 22 Number of actual value (=n1 . . . n22 in monitoring page).
Value 99 Active fault code.
Parameter 10.13 only for LONWorks protocol
LONWorks service button
Changing the value of tjhis parameter from 0 to 1 or vice versa and pressing the Enter
button cause the unique LONWorks ID number to be sent to the network.