UAD‑2 Live Rack Manual
Chapter 4: Live Rack Application
The PRESETS tab is where UAD plug‑in settings are managed after a plug‑in is assigned
to an Insert. Preset management tasks are performed on the currently selected Insert.
The PRESETS tab displays 3 columns with the currently selected plug-in’s presets, sub-
folders (if applicable), and the FILE menu for creating user-defined presets and folders.
Presets Defined
A preset is a complete collection of settings for an individual plug‑in that is
saved as a disk file so the settings can be subsequently recalled. Presets are
typically used to save and recall favorite plug‑in settings. Thousands of factory
presets are installed with the software, or they can be user‑created.
Note: Preset files do not contain a channel’s I/O gain values. However, I/O gain
values are stored within Snapshots (complete Live Rack configuration files).
Preset files have the “.vst” suffix (file suffixes are only visible in the macOS Finder when
the “Show all filename extensions” option is checked in the macOS Finder’s Preferences