UAD‑2 Live Rack Manual
Chapter 4: Live Rack Application
Output Meter
The Output Meter displays the MADI channel’s output level after plug‑in
processing but before the output fader (post plug‑ins, pre‑fader).
The channel number and name are also displayed here. The channel name’s
proximity to the Samples display facilitates confirmation that related channels
are being delay compensated by the same amount.
Configuring Delay Groups
To setup one or more Delay Groups, follow these instructions:
1. Determine if phase alignment is required for two or more channels. Typically, only
channels used for the same source need to be phase aligned. For background
information, see
“When To Use Delay Groups” on page 75
2. Make note of which channels require phase alignment (for example, all the
channel numbers/names used for the drum kit microphones).
3. Enter Delay Groups view by choosing it from the View Menu in the Main Column.
4. Enable the delay compensation engine by setting the Compensation Menu to any
value except OFF (off is the default value).
5. Display the Delay Group buttons for the Delay Group to be used by clicking any
View Option button in the Main Column. This step is necessary only if the Delay
Groups displayed by default are already in use.
6. Add all noted channels to the same Delay Group by clicking the same numbered
Delay Group button for each noted channel. The selected buttons are highlighted
in blue. All selected buttons must all be in the same row.
Tip: To rapidly add multiple channels to the same Delay Group, hold any Delay
Group button, then swipe horizontally across multiple channels.
7. Confirm all the noted channels are in the same Delay Group via the Active Delay
Group display at the top of each channel’s column. The display must show the
same Delay Group value for all the noted channels.
8. Confirm all the noted channels are being compensated equally via the Samples
display at the bottom of each channel’s column. The display must show the same
Samples number for all the noted channels (the Samples value is automatically
calculated). If necessary, increase the Compensation Menu value.
Delay Group configuration for the noted channels is complete. Repeat if necessary for
another set of channels using a different Delay Group number.