UAD‑2 Live Rack Manual
Chapter 4: Live Rack Application
Input Faders
The input faders adjust the level of the MADI signal before plug‑in processing.
Tip: By adjusting the input gain, different sonics can be obtained with UAD plug-
in emulations that have (desirable) non-linear input distortion characteristics.
Output Faders
The output faders adjust the level of the MADI signal after plug‑in processing. Output
adjustments are convenient to compensate for overall level changes that may occur
within a plug‑in or channel strip.
Fader Handle
Gain values are adjusted with this control. Drag the handle down to lower the gain, or up
to increase the gain.
Level Meter
The digital signal level of the channel is represented here in green, using standard digital
peak metering. The top of the meter range indicates 0 dBFS (digital full scale). The top
bar glows RED when 0 dBFS is exceeded (when digital clipping has occurred).
Note: The fader handles are superimposed on the level meters. Therefore, the
signal may appear above the handle position.
Input Meters
The input meters are pre‑fader. The incoming MADI channel’s signal level is displayed.
Output Meters
The output meters display the MADI channel’s output level after plug‑in processing but
before the output fader (post plug‑ins, pre‑fader).
Channel Number & Name
The channel number and name is displayed here. If no channel name has been entered,
only the channel number is displayed (the channel number cannot be modified).
Tip: Channels are named in Channel View by clicking the channel’s number/name
box within the Main Column, then entering a name in the name field that appears.
Two adjacent channels can be combined into a stereo pair. When channels are linked, all
control adjustments affect both channels of the stereo signal identically.
Note: The link and unlink cannot be performed in SAFE mode. The link/unlink
buttons are hidden when SAFE mode is active.
Tip: Channels can also be linked/unlinked in Channel View by clicking the
channel’s number/name box within the main column.