UAD‑2 Live Rack Manual
Chapter 7: UA Account & Store
UAD Authorization Overview
Note: This section is an overview of the UAD authorization system. For step-by-
step authorization instructions, see the
My Hardware
The UAD devices (UAD‑2 Live Rack is a UAD device) and UAD plug‑ins that you own are
found on your MY HARDWARE page at
Hardware page keeps track of your registered UAD devices and UAD plug‑in licenses and
is managed automatically by the UA store and UAD software.
Tip: The current UAD plug-in license state is also shown in the Plug-Ins panel
within the UAD Meter & Control Panel application, and the Settings View>Plug-Ins
tab within the Live Rack application.
UAD System
All UAD devices registered to the UA account, and all UAD plug‑in licenses for those
devices, are grouped as a system on the My Hardware page. Licensed UAD plug‑ins are
only authorized to run on the UAD devices associated with the same account and system.
Account Creation and Device Registration
Creating a UA account and registering the UAD hardware is only needed once during
initial device installation. After registration, authorization is performed within the UAD
Meter & Control Panel application by clicking the
Adding Additional UAD Devices
If a second (or more) UAD device is added to the computer that already has the UAD
software installed, the new device(s) is automatically detected when the UAD Meter
& Control Panel application is open. Upon detection, the web browser opens, you are
guided to register the new device, and the new device is added to your account.
Authorizing Newly-Purchased UAD Plug-Ins
When a UAD plug‑in is purchased at the UA store, it needs to be manually authorized.
The store guides you through the process, or see the
Authorizations Are Stored On UAD Device
During authorization, the UAD plug‑in license state is stored on the UAD device. If the
device is moved to another computer, it’s not necessary to reauthorize the device.