UAD‑2 Live Rack Manual
Chapter 4: Live Rack Application
Device Buttons
Buttons displayed in this area depend on the number
of UAD‑2 Live Rack units that are connected. The
screenshot at shows a two unit system, where one of
the systems (in italics) is offline.
Identify Unit Buttons
The Identify Unit buttons (shown as “MADI 1‑16” and MADI 17‑32”
in the screenshot at right) display which MADI channels are being
processed by the Realtime rack unit(s).
When the hardware is properly connected, clicking the Identify
button(s) will flash the front panel LEDs on the unit processing those
MADI channels. This function is convenient when cabling and/or
Unit Buttons
These buttons perform several functions. They can be
used to rename the unit and add/remove units for offline
configuration. In a multi‑unit system, they can re‑order the
MADI channels processed by each unit without physically
rerouting the MADI cables.
Note: Italics in a Unit Button indicates the unit is offline.
• To rename the unit, double‑click the button to enter a
different unit name. The default unit name is [Live Rack].
• To add a unit for offline configuration, click the “+” button.
• To delete an offline unit, drag a button to the left then click its red remove icon.
• To re‑order the MADI channels processed by each unit, drag and drop these
buttons up and down as needed. Note this operation will cause a system
reconfiguration and there may be a delay before the operation is completed.
Drag an offline Unit Button to the left to reveal its delete button