UAD‑2 Live Rack Manual
Chapter 4: Live Rack Application
Safe Mode Constraints
View screen operations that cannot be executed in Safe mode are detailed in the table
When Safe mode is active, Snapshots can still be recalled, which can
potentially overwrite current plug-in assignments and cause audio artifacts during
a live performance.
View Screen
SAFE Mode Constraint
• Plug‑in REMOVE, MOVE, and COPY/PASTE modifiers are hidden
• Empty plug‑in inserts are hidden
• ASSIGN mode is disabled
• Stereo LINK/UNLINK buttons are hidden
• Latency compensation engine cannot be modified (existing settings persist)
• Delay Group buttons are hidden (existing groups persist)
• Channel ASSIGN tab is hidden
• Plug‑ins cannot be added or removed
• Channel PRESETS tab is hidden (when in Channel Strip mode)
• New Channel Strip presets cannot be added or removed
• Sample Rate, Clock Source, and MADI Channels cannot be modified
• Clock Source cannot be modified
Snapshot Display
The Snapshot Display shows the filename of the Active
A Snapshot is a complete Live Rack configuration file,
containing all parameter values within the application. Snapshots are typically used for
total session recall. Snapshots can also be recalled via MIDI or from within a Soundcraft
Vi console via Ethernet.
Italic Snapshot Name
Whenever the active snapshot is modified from its last
saved state, the Snapshot name is displayed in italics,
as shown at right.
Tip: Type S at any time to save the current state of the existing
Snapshot to disk (overwriting the existing file; note this operation cannot be
undone), or type Shift+S to save the Snapshot as a new disk file.