UAD‑2 Live Rack Manual
Chapter 4: Live Rack Application
Snapshots Term Definitions
The following terms are used in this section:
Folders Column – The left column in Snapshots View containing the snapshot folders
Snapshots Column – The right column in Snapshots View containing the snapshot files
Slot – A three‑digit prefix number automatically used by every Snapshot and Snapshot
folder. The slots determine the order that folders and Snapshots are displayed, and they
are used for MIDI Bank/Program change commands.
Snapshot – A file containing complete session settings for all channels including plug‑
ins, gains, and Delay Group values.
Folder – A folder containing one or more Snapshot files.
Prime – Select, but do not load, a Snapshot in the list.
Recall – Loading of a primed Snapshot and recalling all session settings.
Soundcraft Cue – Soundcraft’s name for a Snapshot. Cues can contain settings for all
aspects of their digital consoles.
Navigate to Snapshots View
All Snapshots operations are performed in Snapshots View. To enter Snapshots View, use
either of these methods:
• Choose Snapshots View from the View Menu
• Click anywhere in the Snapshot area in the Info Bar
When Snapshots View is entered, the Snapshots column has keyboard focus.
Keyboard Focus & Navigation
In Snapshots View, QWERTY keyboard focus is targeted on the Snapshots column (the
column on the right). The mouse or keyboard UP/DOWN keys can be used to prime
a different snapshot. Using the LEFT arrow key, focus can be changed to the Folders
column and the UP/DOWN arrow keys can be used to navigate through folders (if they