series Robot Controller
Assigning a Point Name
When entering positional data for a point, you have to assign a name to that point.
This name is used later in the program when teaching the robot where to go.
Generally, the point name has the following format.
Point name (1 ~ 10 characters)
The following characters can be used for the point name. The first letter of a point
name must be an alphabetical character.
Alphabetic characters
A ~ Z
: 0
Cautions: You cannot use an identifier (reserved word) used for the SCOL
language to name a point. For details, see Appendix B of the Robot
Language Manual.
The point name entered should consist of up ten (10) characters. If it
exceeds this limit, the entry is invalid with an error saying "illegal name"
If a character other than the alphabetical characters has been entered
for the first character of the point name, the entry is invalid with an error
saying "illegal name" displayed.
STE 80720
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