GTCOM2 User manual
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ZN = zone number from 1 to 32
BYP= 1
– zone bypass 0- zone active.
iButton keys learning/deleting mode
063= command code (iButton keys learning/deleting mode)
S=iButton keys entering/deletion mode.
0-Disable iButton/RFID keys learning mode
1-Enable iButton/RFID keys learning mode
2- iButton/RFID keys deleting mode. To delete these keys from memory, which will be touched to
the reader
˽070˽N#VALUE #
Programming of max sensors value upon reaching, the SMS message with „High Alarm“
text will be sent
070= command c
ode (max sensors value upon reaching which, the SMS message with „High
Alarm“ text will be sent)
N = sensor number
VALUE= Format 0000.00 High Alarm Value
˽071˽N#VALUE #
Programming of minimal sensors value upon reaching the SMS message with „Low Alarm“
text will be sent
071= command code (min sensors value upon reaching which, the SMS message with „Low Alarm“
text will be sent)
N = sensor number
VALUE = Format 0000.00 Low Alarm Value
Programming of sensor max value upon reaching the selected output will be activated.
example cooling equipment
072= command code (sensor max value upon reaching the selected output will be activated.)
N = sensor number
VALUE= Format 0000.00 sensor max value upon reaching, the selected output will be activated.
Programming of sensor min value upon reaching the selected output will be activated.
example heating equipment
073= command code (sensor min value upon reaching the selected output will be activated.)
N = sensor number
VALUE= Format 0000.00 Sensor min value upon reaching which, the output will be activated.
Change installer‘s password
(Installers password should be changed before exploitation of the
090= command code (Change of installer‘s password)
= New Installer‘s password.
Change user‘s password
(User‘s password should be changed before exploitation of the module)
091= command code (Change user‘s password)
NEW_USER_PSW = New user‘s password.
Remote reset of the module via SMS messages
092= command code (Remote reset of the module via SMS messages )
INST000000 093 yyyy/MM/dd#HH:mm#
Time of the module setting via SMS message
093= command code (Time of the module setting via SMS message)
Time format of the module:
yyyy -year
MM-month 1-12
dd - day of the month 1-31
HH-hours 0-23
mm- minutes 0-59
SMS from the module forwarding to the other phone number
SMS from the module forwarding to the other phone number
094= command code (SMS from the module resending to the other phone number)
TEL = phone number to which will be forwarded sms textSMS = sms text that will be send to
the referred number.
TEL=861611111111 local number arba international format e.g. +370616111111
INST000000 094 +370616111111#Hello
SMS text =Latin Charset
SMS from the module forwarding to the other phone number094= command code (SMS from the
module fowarding to the other referred phone number)TEL = phone number to which will be
forwarded sms textSMS = sms text that will be send to the referred number
TEL=861611111111 local number arba international format e.g. +370616111111
international must be with '+' local without'+'
SMS text =Latin Charset
After this commands could not be other commands like: 094 SMS 030 1
because all messages will be forwarded to other numer "SMS 030 1"
INST 000000
Zone Walk Test request
095= command code (Zone Test request)
E = 1- test request activated, 0- test request deactivated
When zone is activated, the bell generates the sound,
ARM/DISARM system automatically turn off this function