Wise Package Studio Reference
Capturing Applications
Using SetupCapture With Virtual Capture
Not available in Standard Edition.
Use Virtual Capture to capture on a non-clean machine while achieving clean machine
results. This eliminates the need to reimage your computer between each SetupCapture.
You also can eliminate the need to reimage a clean machine by capturing applications in
a virtual software layer. While Virtual Capture requires that you create a Virtual OS, the
only requirement for capturing applications into a virtual software layer is the
installation of the Software Virtualization Agent, which is installed with Wise Package
Capturing an Installation in a Virtual Software Layer
on page 219.
Using Virtual Capture is a two-step process:
Run the Virtual OS Creation utility to create a Virtual OS.
Creating a Virtual OS
on page 239.
During SetupCapture, select Virtual Capture as the capture method, and specify the
Virtual OS.
Capturing an Installation
on page 219.
The same process is used to import any non-Windows Installer package into the
Software Manager database. To do this, select the Universal Import option in the
Import Wizard in Software Manager and specify a Virtual OS.
See Performing a Universal Import Without Converting or Repackaging in the Software
Manager Help.
A security setting in Windows Vista or later operating system prevents Virtual Capture
from working. When you try to use Virtual Capture, a prompt appears and provides the
option to disable the security restriction. If you choose to disable the security restriction,
the following registry setting is set:
The initial default for this setting is 0. If you disable this restriction, your computer’s
vulnerability to malicious attack is increased. However, if you run SetupCapture in a
testing environment, the increased vulnerability might not be a critical issue.
Options for Creating and Using the Virtual OS
If you plan to perform captures on the current clean machine, create the Virtual OS on
the current computer. This creates a Virtual OS directory and registry structure where
the application will be installed during SetupCapture.
If you plan to perform captures on a non-clean machine, create the Virtual OS on a
clean machine and save a Virtual OS file (.WOS) in a shared location. When you run
SetupCapture with Virtual Capture on the non-clean machine, select the Virtual OS file.
It is expanded onto the capture computer as a Virtual OS directory and registry
structure where the application will be installed during SetupCapture. This process takes
several minutes and requires a substantial amount of free disk space
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