Wise Package Studio Reference
Wise Package Studio Tools
Quiet - No UI
Displays no user interface during the installation.
Passive - display a progress bar but no other prompts or messages
These options are enabled only if Windows Installer 3.0 or later is installed on your
computer. They will work on the destination computer only if it has Windows
Installer 3.0 or later installed.
6. If you mark Quiet or Passive in the Windows Installer 3.0 only section, you can
also select an option to control how Windows Installer handles restarts.
Default (Restart if required)
Restarts the computer when necessary with no prompts or warnings to the
No restart
Never restarts the computer after the installation.
Force restart
Always restarts the computer after the installation.
Prompt restart
(Passive only.) Displays a message that a restart is required to complete the
installation and asks the user if they want to restart the computer now.
7. Click OK.
The Define Command Line page reappears, and the selected silent option is added
to the command line.
Adding Logging Options to Your Command Line
The Command Line Builder lets you create a command line that sets logging options that
determine what activities are logged during the installation. For information on logging
options, see Logging in the Windows Installer SDK Help. You can set logging options for
all versions of Windows Installer or for Windows Installer 3.0 only.
To add logging options to a command line
1. On the Define Command Line page, click Logging Options.
Creating a Command Line With the Command Line Builder
on page 98.
The Logging Options dialog box appears.
2. To enable the Logging Options check boxes, mark Create Log File.
This enables the field to its right, which displays the default location for a log file
created during installation. The default location is the Temp directory.
3. To change the location of the log file, specify a new path.
4. By default, * - Wildcard, log all information is marked in the All Windows
Installer versions section. When this option is selected, the first four options in
this section are enabled. Clear this check box to enable all the other options in this
section. To set logging options for all versions of Windows Installer, mark the
appropriate options in this section.
* - Wildcard, log all information
Logs all information, but does not use verbose output.
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