Wise Package Studio Reference
Package Validation
6. Click Add to the right of the Validation Rules list and select DLL Rule, EXE Rule, or
VBScript Rule.
A details dialog box appears.
7. Enter a unique name and description to identify this rule when it appears in the
Validation Rules list.
8. If the custom action file you want is in the File drop-down list, select it.
The files listed are those contained in the validation module you are editing.
9. If the custom action file you want is not in the File drop-down list, do one of the
For .DLL and .EXE files, click New and specify the .DLL or .EXE file.
For a VBScript file, click Options, select New, and specify the VBScript file. To
edit the VBScript, click Options, select Edit, and modify the VBScript in the
Macro Editor.
10. (.DLL and VBScript only.) If the Function field appears, enter the name of the
function in the .DLL or VBScript that performs the validation.
11. (.EXE only.) If the Parameters field appears, enter any command-line options that
are needed to run the .EXE.
12. Click OK.
The OK button is unavailable if required fields are missing.
The Customized Validation Rules dialog box reappears, and the new rule is displayed
at the end of the Validation Rules list with its check box marked.
13. To add more rules to this validation module, either repeat this procedure or see
Adding a Validation Rule Set
on page 154.
The customizations remain in effect until you change them.
About Validation Rule Sets
Quality Assurance module only.
You can add a rule set to a new or existing validation module. A rule set consists of a
series of conditions to check in a package and actions to take if the conditions are met.
You create rules sets with the Validation Rules wizard.
Adding a Validation Rule Set
You cannot add rules to predefined validation modules.
Suppose you want to determine if your packages contain any version of report.dll earlier
than 2.0.0 and if so, replace it with version 2.0.0 of report.dll. The rule set you create
for this check would contain the following conditions and actions:
Select file with name report.dll
and where version is less than 2.0.0
Display text report.dll version less than 2.0.0 in View/Correct or View dialog boxes
Replace file with C:\Development\DLLs\report.dll
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