Wise Package Studio Reference
Package Validation
Components shared with non-Windows installer applications
Checks that no components of the package are shared with other applications that
do not use Windows Installer.
Files installed to Program Files by default
Checks that all application files are installed to a subdirectory of Program Files.
Terminal Server Compatibility
Checks for errors that might cause problems when the package is installed in a
Microsoft Terminal Services or Citrix environment. With terminal service
applications, installation resources must reside in per-machine locations rather than
per-user locations. Errors result from this test if the installation is set to install per-
user, if any keypaths reside in user-specific locations, or if environment variables
are present in the installation. If environment variables are present, using the
Correct button duplicates the variables, creating a per-user set and a per-machine
set, one of which is installed depending on the value of ALLUSERS. Correcting some
errors might cause keypaths to be empty, and might cause a one-time repair. You
can set a release to be compatible with Terminal Services. See ALLUSERS Property
in the Windows Installer SDK Help.
Also see the description of the Release Type field in Creating a New Release in the
Windows Installer Editor Help.
See also:
ICE Reference in the Windows Installer SDK Help
Merge Module ICE Reference in the Windows Installer SDK Help
Windows Vista/Windows 7 Validation
The Windows Vista/Windows 7 Compatibility Checks validation module in Package
Validation runs WiseVistaIce.cub, which checks for adherence to Microsoft’s package
validation requirements for the Vista and later operating systems. For information about
Windows Vista logo requirements, visit the MSDN Library (
Updating the list of protected files and registry keys
The Windows Vista/Windows 7 validation verifies that the installation does not contain
files or registry keys that are protected by Windows Resource Protection (WRP). To
perform this check, Package Validation compares resources in the installation to those in
the following tables in WiseVistaIce.cub: _VistaProtectedFiles and
_VistaProtectedRegKeys. The contents of these tables are current as of this product’s
release. You can update these tables as follows:
Edit WiseVistaIce.cub directly.
Rebuild the tables by running the GetWRPItems.exe utility, which is installed in the
bin subdirectory of this product's installation directory. Run it from the command
prompt on a computer that is running Windows Vista or later operating system and
specify the full path to WiseVistaIce.cub. Example:
"C:\Program Files\Symantec\Wise Package Studio\bin\getwrpitems.exe" "C:\Wise
Share Point\Validation\wisevistaice.cub"
The GetWRPItems.exe utility deletes the contents of both tables and rebuilds them
based on the WRP information on your computer. Because the edition of the
Windows Vista or later operating system that is installed might affect the contents of
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