USB on-the-go full-speed (OTG_FS)
Doc ID 13902 Rev 12
Bit 30
Endpoint disable
The application sets this bit to stop transmitting/receiving data on an endpoint, even before
the transfer for that endpoint is complete. The application must wait for the Endpoint disabled
interrupt before treating the endpoint as disabled. The core clears this bit before setting the
Endpoint disabled interrupt. The application must set this bit only if Endpoint enable is already
set for this endpoint.
Bit 29
Applies to interrupt/bulk IN and OUT endpoints only. Writing to this field sets the endpoint
data PID (DPID) field in this register to DATA1.
Set odd frame
Applies to isochronous IN and OUT endpoints only. Writing to this field sets the Even/Odd
frame (EONUM) field to odd frame.
Bit 28
Applies to interrupt/bulk OUT endpoints only.
Writing to this field sets the endpoint data PID (DPID) field in this register to DATA0.
Set even frame
Applies to isochronous OUT endpoints only.
Writing to this field sets the Even/Odd frame (EONUM) field to even frame.
Bit 27
A write to this bit sets the NAK bit for the endpoint.
Using this bit, the application can control the transmission of NAK handshakes on an
endpoint. The core can also set this bit for OUT endpoints on a Transfer Completed interrupt,
or after a SETUP is received on the endpoint.
Bit 26
Clear NAK
A write to this bit clears the NAK bit for the endpoint.
Bits 25:22 Reserved
Bit 21
STALL handshake
Applies to non-control, non-isochronous OUT endpoints only (access type is rw).
The application sets this bit to stall all tokens from the USB host to this endpoint. If a NAK
bit, Global IN NAK, or Global OUT NAK is set along with this bit, the STALL bit takes
priority. Only the application can clear this bit, never the core.
Applies to control endpoints only (access type is rs).
The application can only set this bit, and the core clears it, when a SETUP token is received
for this endpoint. If a NAK bit, Global IN NAK, or Global OUT NAK is set along with this bit,
the STALL bit takes priority. Irrespective of this bit’s setting, the core always responds to
SETUP data packets with an ACK handshake.
Bit 20
Snoop mode
This bit configures the endpoint to Snoop mode. In Snoop mode, the core does not check the
correctness of OUT packets before transferring them to application memory.
Bits 19:18
Endpoint type
This is the transfer type supported by this logical endpoint.
00: Control
01: Isochronous
10: Bulk
11: Interrupt