USB on-the-go full-speed (OTG_FS)
Doc ID 13902 Rev 12
Bit 19
B-session valid
Indicates the device mode transceiver status.
0: B-session is not valid.
1: B-session is valid.
In OTG mode, you can use this bit to determine if the device is connected or disconnected.
Note: Only accessible in device mode.
Bit 18
A-session valid
Indicates the host mode transceiver status.
0: A-session is not valid
1: A-session is valid
Note: Only accessible in host mode.
Bit 17
Long/short debounce time
Indicates the debounce time of a detected connection.
0: Long debounce time, used for physical connections (100 ms + 2.5 µs)
1: Short debounce time, used for soft connections (2.5 µs)
Note: Only accessible in host mode.
Bit 16
Connector ID status
Indicates the connector ID status on a connect event.
0: The OTG_FS controller is in A-device mode
1: The OTG_FS controller is in B-device mode
Note: Accessible in both device and host modes.
Bits 15:12 Reserved
Bit 11
Device HNP enabled
The application sets this bit when it successfully receives a SetFeature.SetHNPEnable
command from the connected USB host.
0: HNP is not enabled in the application
1: HNP is enabled in the application
Note: Only accessible in device mode.
Bit 10
host set HNP enable
The application sets this bit when it has successfully enabled HNP (using the
SetFeature.SetHNPEnable command) on the connected device.
0: Host Set HNP is not enabled
1: Host Set HNP is enabled
Note: Only accessible in host mode.
Bit 9
HNP request
The application sets this bit to initiate an HNP request to the connected USB host. The
application can clear this bit by writing a 0 when the host negotiation success status change bit
in the OTG_FS_GOTGINT register (HNSSCHG bit in OTG_FS_GOTGINT) is set. The core
clears this bit when the HNSSCHG bit is cleared.
0: No HNP request
1: HNP request
Note: Only accessible in device mode.