Power control (PWR)
Doc ID 13902 Rev 12
Bit 8
: Disable backup domain write protection.
In reset state, the RTC and backup registers are protected against parasitic write access.
This bit must be set to enable write access to these registers.
0: Access to RTC and Backup registers disabled
1: Access to RTC and Backup registers enabled
Note: If the HSE divided by 128 is used as the RTC clock, this bit must remain set to 1.
Bits 7:5
PVD level selection.
These bits are written by software to select the voltage threshold detected by the Power
Voltage Detector
000: 2.2V
001: 2.3V
010: 2.4V
011: 2.5V
100: 2.6V
101: 2.7V
110: 2.8V
111: 2.9V
Note: Refer to the electrical characteristics of the datasheet for more details.
Bit 4
Power voltage detector enable.
This bit is set and cleared by software.
0: PVD disabled
1: PVD enabled
Bit 3
: Clear standby flag.
This bit is always read as 0.
0: No effect
1: Clear the SBF Standby Flag (write).
Bit 2
Clear wakeup flag.
This bit is always read as 0.
0: No effect
1: Clear the WUF Wakeup Flag
after 2 System clock cycles
. (write)
Bit 1
: Power down deepsleep.
This bit is set and cleared by software. It works together with the LPDS bit.
0: Enter Stop mode when the CPU enters Deepsleep. The regulator status depends on the
LPDS bit.
1: Enter Standby mode when the CPU enters Deepsleep.
Bit 0
Low-power deepsleep.
This bit is set and cleared by software. It works together with the PDDS bit.
0: Voltage regulator on during Stop mode
1: Voltage regulator in low-power mode during Stop mode