Revision history
Doc ID 13902 Rev 12
This reference manual also applies to low-density STM32F101xx, STM32F102xx and
STM32F103xx devices, and to medium-density STM32F102xx devices. In all sections,
definitions of low-density and medium-density devices updated.
Section 2.3: Peripheral availability on page 46
Section 3.3.3: Embedded Flash memory on page 54
modified. Reset value of
Port input data register (GPIOx_IDR)
modified. Note added in
Section 9.4: AFIO registers on page 176
Note removed from bits 18:0 description in
Section 10.3.6: Pending register (EXTI_PR) on
Section 14.2: TIM1&TIM8 main features on page 281
Section 15.3.15: Timer synchronization on page 378
FSMC_CLK signal direction corrected in
Figure 185: FSMC block diagram on page 490
“Feedback clock” paragraph removed from
Section 21.5.3: General timing rules on
Section 21.5.6: NOR/PSRAM controller registers on page 521
: reset value modified,
WAITEN bit default value after reset is 1, bits [5:6] definition modified, , FACCEN default
value after reset specified. NWE signal behavior corrected in
multiplexed write mode - PSRAM (CRAM) on page 519
. The FSMC interface does not
support COSMO RAM and OneNAND devices, and it does not support the asynchronous
wait feature. SRAM and ROM 32 memory data size removed from
Flash/PSRAM supported memories and transactions on page 497
Data latency versus NOR Flash latency on page 515
modified. Bits 19:16 bits are reserved
SRAM/NOR-Flash write timing registers 1..4 (FSMC_BWTR1..4) on page 525
Section 21.6.3: Timing diagrams for NAND and PC Card on page 529
of PWID bits modified in
Section 21.6.8: NAND Flash/PC Card controller registers on
Section 21.6.6: Error correction code computation ECC (NAND Flash) on
Interrupt Mapper definition modified in
Section 23.3.1: Description of USB blocks on
. USB register and memory base addresses modified in
Section 26.3.8: Packet error checking on page 745
Section : Start bit detection on page 768
added. PE bit description specified in
register (USART_SR) on page 792
“RAM size register” section removed from
Section 30: Device electronic signature on
. Bit definitions updated in
FIFO status and interrupt register 2..4
Small text changes.
Table 232.
Document revision history (continued)