Universal serial bus full-speed device interface (USB)
Doc ID 13902 Rev 12
Each packet buffer is used either during reception or transmission starting from the bottom.
The USB peripheral will never change the contents of memory locations adjacent to the
allocated memory buffers; if a packet bigger than the allocated buffer length is received
(buffer overrun condition) the data will be copied to the memory only up to the last available
Endpoint initialization
The first step to initialize an endpoint is to write appropriate values to the
ADDRn_TX/ADDRn_RX registers so that the USB peripheral finds the data to be
transmitted already available and the data to be received can be buffered. The EP_TYPE
bits in the USB_EPnR register must be set according to the endpoint type, eventually using
the EP_KIND bit to enable any special required feature. On the transmit side, the endpoint
must be enabled using the STAT_TX bits in the USB_EPnR register and COUNTn_TX must
be initialized. For reception, STAT_RX bits must be set to enable reception and
COUNTn_RX must be written with the allocated buffer size using the BL_SIZE and
NUM_BLOCK fields. Unidirectional endpoints, except Isochronous and double-buffered bulk
endpoints, need to initialize only bits and registers related to the supported direction. Once
the transmission and/or reception are enabled, register USB_EPnR and locations
ADDRn_TX/ADDRn_RX, COUNTn_TX/COUNTn_RX (respectively), should not be modified
by the application software, as the hardware can change their value on the fly. When the
data transfer operation is completed, notified by a CTR interrupt event, they can be
accessed again to re-enable a new operation.
IN packets (data transmission)
When receiving an IN token packet, if the received address matches a configured and valid
endpoint one, the USB peripheral accesses the contents of ADDRn_TX and COUNTn_TX
locations inside buffer descriptor table entry related to the addressed endpoint. The content
of these locations is stored in its internal 16 bit registers ADDR and COUNT (not accessible
by software). The packet memory is accessed again to read the first word to be transmitted
(Refer to
Structure and usage of packet buffers on page 603
) and starts sending a DATA0 or
DATA1 PID according to USB_EPnR bit DTOG_TX. When the PID is completed, the first
byte from the word, read from buffer memory, is loaded into the output shift register to be
transmitted on the USB bus. After the last data byte is transmitted, the computed CRC is
sent. If the addressed endpoint is not valid, a NAK or STALL handshake packet is sent
instead of the data packet, according to STAT_TX bits in the USB_EPnR register.
The ADDR internal register is used as a pointer to the current buffer memory location while
COUNT is used to count the number of remaining bytes to be transmitted. Each word read
from the packet buffer memory is transmitted over the USB bus starting from the least
significant byte. Transmission buffer memory is read starting from the address pointed by
ADDRn_TX for COUNTn_TX/2 words. If a transmitted packet is composed of an odd
number of bytes, only the lower half of the last word accessed will be used.
On receiving the ACK receipt by the host, the USB_EPnR register is updated in the following
way: DTOG_TX bit is toggled, the endpoint is made invalid by setting STAT_TX=10 (NAK)
and bit CTR_TX is set. The application software must first identify the endpoint, which is
requesting microcontroller attention by examining the EP_ID and DIR bits in the USB_ISTR
register. Servicing of the CTR_TX event starts clearing the interrupt bit; the application
software then prepares another buffer full of data to be sent, updates the COUNTn_TX table
location with the number of byte to be transmitted during the next transfer, and finally sets
STAT_TX to ‘11 (VALID) to re-enable transmissions. While the STAT_TX bits are equal to ‘10
(NAK), any IN request addressed to that endpoint is NAKed, indicating a flow control