Connectivity line devices: reset and clock control (RCC)
Doc ID 13902 Rev 12
Bit 15
: RTC clock enable
Set and cleared by software.
0: RTC clock disabled
1: RTC clock enabled
Bits 14:10 Reserved, always read as 0.
Bits 9:8
: RTC clock source selection
Set by software to select the clock source for the RTC. Once the RTC clock source has been
selected, it cannot be changed anymore unless the Backup domain is reset. The BDRST bit
can be used to reset the RTCSEL[1:0] bits.
00: No clock
01: LSE oscillator clock used as RTC clock
10: LSI oscillator clock used as RTC clock
11: HSE oscillator clock divided by 128 used as RTC clock
Bits 7:3 Reserved, always read as 0.
Bit 2
: External Low Speed oscillator bypass
Set and cleared by software to bypass oscillator in debug mode. This bit can be written only
when the external 32 kHz oscillator is disabled.
0: LSE oscillator not bypassed
1: LSE oscillator bypassed
Bit 1
: External Low Speed oscillator ready
Set and cleared by hardware to indicate when the external 32 kHz oscillator is stable. After
the LSEON bit is cleared, LSERDY goes low after 6 external low speed oscillator clock
0: External 32 kHz oscillator not ready
1: External 32 kHz oscillator ready
Bit 0
: External Low Speed oscillator enable
Set and cleared by software.
0: External 32 kHz oscillator OFF
1: External 32 kHz oscillator ON