Inter-integrated circuit (I
C) interface
Doc ID 13902 Rev 12
Bit 10
Acknowledge failure
0: No acknowledge failure
1: Acknowledge failure
–Set by hardware when no acknowledge is returned.
–Cleared by software writing 0, or by hardware when PE=0.
Bit 9
Arbitration lost (master mode)
0: No Arbitration Lost detected
1: Arbitration Lost detected
Set by hardware when the interface loses the arbitration of the bus to another master
–Cleared by software writing 0, or by hardware when PE=0.
After an ARLO event the interface switches back automatically to Slave mode (M/SL=0).
Note: In SMBUS, the arbitration on the data in slave mode occurs only during the data phase,
or the acknowledge transmission (not on the address acknowledge).
Bit 8
: Bus error
0: No misplaced Start or Stop condition
1: Misplaced Start or Stop condition
–Set by hardware when the interface detects an SDA rising or falling edge while SCL is high,
occuring in a non-valid position during a byte transfer.
–Cleared by software writing 0, or by hardware when PE=0.
Bit 7
: Data register empty (transmitters)
0: Data register not empty
1: Data register empty
–Set when DR is empty in transmission. TxE is not set during address phase.
–Cleared by software writing to the DR register or by hardware after a start or a stop
condition or when PE=0.
TxE is not set if either a NACK is received, or if next byte to be transmitted is PEC (PEC=1)
Note: TxE is not cleared by writing the first data being transmitted, or by writing data when
BTF is set, as in both cases the data register is still empty.
Bit 6
: Data register not empty (receivers)
0: Data register empty
1: Data register not empty
–Set when data register is not empty in receiver mode. RxNE is not set during address
–Cleared by software reading or writing the DR register or by hardware when PE=0.
RxNE is not set in case of ARLO event.
Note: RxNE is not cleared by reading data when BTF is set, as the data register is still full.
Bit 5 Reserved, forced by hardware to 0.
Bit 4
: Stop detection (slave mode)
0: No Stop condition detected
1: Stop condition detected
–Set by hardware when a Stop condition is detected on the bus by the slave after an
acknowledge (if ACK=1).
–Cleared by software reading the SR1 register followed by a write in the CR1 register, or by
hardware when PE=0
Note: The STOPF bit is not set after a NACK reception