USB on-the-go full-speed (OTG_FS)
Doc ID 13902 Rev 12
Bit 25
Host channels interrupt
The core sets this bit to indicate that an interrupt is pending on one of the channels of the core
(in host mode). The application must read the OTG_FS_HAINT register to determine the exact
number of the channel on which the interrupt occurred, and then read the corresponding
OTG_FS_HCINTx register to determine the exact cause of the interrupt. The application must
clear the appropriate status bit in the OTG_FS_HCINTx register to clear this bit.
Note: Only accessible in host mode.
Bit 24
Host port interrupt
The core sets this bit to indicate a change in port status of one of the OTG_FS controller ports
in host mode. The application must read the OTG_FS_HPRT register to determine the exact
event that caused this interrupt. The application must clear the appropriate status bit in the
OTG_FS_HPRT register to clear this bit.
Note: Only accessible in host mode.
Bits 23:22 Reserved
Bit 21
Incomplete periodic transfer
In host mode, the core sets this interrupt bit when there are incomplete periodic transactions
still pending, which are scheduled for the current frame.
Incomplete isochronous OUT transfer
In device mode, the core sets this interrupt to indicate that there is at least one isochronous
OUT endpoint on which the transfer is not completed in the current frame. This interrupt is
asserted along with the End of periodic frame interrupt (EOPF) bit in this register.
Bit 20
Incomplete isochronous IN transfer
The core sets this interrupt to indicate that there is at least one isochronous IN endpoint on
which the transfer is not completed in the current frame. This interrupt is asserted along with
the End of periodic frame interrupt (EOPF) bit in this register.
Note: Only accessible in device mode.
Bit 19
OUT endpoint interrupt
The core sets this bit to indicate that an interrupt is pending on one of the OUT endpoints of
the core (in device mode). The application must read the OTG_FS_DAINT register to
determine the exact number of the OUT endpoint on which the interrupt occurred, and then
read the corresponding OTG_FS_DOEPINTx register to determine the exact cause of the
interrupt. The application must clear the appropriate status bit in the corresponding
OTG_FS_DOEPINTx register to clear this bit.
Note: Only accessible in device mode.
Bit 18
IN endpoint interrupt
The core sets this bit to indicate that an interrupt is pending on one of the IN endpoints of the
core (in device mode). The application must read the OTG_FS_DAINT register to determine
the exact number of the IN endpoint on which the interrupt occurred, and then read the
corresponding OTG_FS_DIEPINTx register to determine the exact cause of the interrupt. The
application must clear the appropriate status bit in the corresponding OTG_FS_DIEPINTx
register to clear this bit.
Note: Only accessible in device mode.
Bits 17:16 Reserved
Bit 15
End of periodic frame interrupt
Indicates that the period specified in the periodic frame interval field of the OTG_FS_DCFG
register (PFIVL bit in OTG_FS_DCFG) has been reached in the current frame.
Note: Only accessible in device mode.