Faults and Alarms
6SE7087-2JD60 Siemens
Operating Instructions
Number / Fault
SCB initialization fault
A fault has occurred during initialization of the
SCB board.
Fault value r949:
1: Board code incorrect
2: SCB board not compatible
5: Error in configuration data
(Check parameterization)
6: Initialization timeout
7: SCB board double
10: Channel error
EB initialization fault
A fault has occurred during initialization of the
EB board.
Fault value r949:
2: 1st EB1 not compatible
3: 2nd EB1 not compatible
4: 1st EB2 not compatible
5: 2nd EB2 not compatible
21: Three EB1 boards
22: Three EB2 boards
110: Fault on 1st EB1 (Analog input)
120: Fault on 2nd EB1 (Analog input)
210: Fault on 1st EB2 (Analog input)
220: Fault on 2nd EB2 (Analog input)
4 mA at analog input 1, slave 1 fallen short of
Check the connection of the signal source to
the SCI1 (slave 1) -X428: 4, 5.
AnInp2 SL1
4 mA at analog input 2, slave 1 fallen short of
Check the connection of the signal source to
the SCI1 (slave 1) -X428: 7, 8.
AnInp3 SL1
4 mA at analog input 3, slave 1 fallen short of
Check the connection of the signal source to
the SCI1 (slave 1) -X428: 10, 11.
AnInp1 SL2
4 mA at analog input 1, slave 2 fallen short of
Check the connection of the signal source to
the SCI1 (slave 2) -X428: 4, 5.
AnInp2 SL2
4 mA at analog input 2, slave 2 fallen short of
Check the connection of the signal source to
the SCI1 (slave 2) -X428: 7, 8.
AnInp3 SL2
4 mA at analog input 3, slave 2 fallen short of
Check the connection of the signal source to
the SCI1 (slave 2) -X428: 10, 11.
SCB telegram failure
No telegram has been received by the SCB
(USS, peer-to-peer, SCI) within the telegram
failure time.
- Check the connections of the SCB1(2).
- Check P704.03"SCom/SCB Tlg OFF"
- Replce SCB1(2)
- Replace CU (-A10)
TB/CB initialization
Fault during initialization of the board at the
DPR interface
Fault value r949:
1: Board code incorrect
2: TB/CB board not compatible
3: CB board not compatible
5: Error in configuration data
6: Initialization timeout
7: TB/CB board double
10: Channel error
Check the T300/CB board for correct
contacting, check the PSU power supply,
check the CU / CB / T boards and check the
CB initialization parameters:
- P918.01 CB Bus Address,
- P711.01 to P721.01 CB parameters 1 to 11