Control Word and Status Word
6SE7087-2JD60 Siemens
Operating Instructions
Bit 6: Message "Power-on inhibit" (H)
POWER-ON INHIBIT (008) status
The power supply, open-loop and closed-loop control are
If an external power supply and a main contactor (option)/bypass
contactor are available, it is possible to bring the DC link voltage in
this drive converter status into a no-voltage condition!
The message is available as long as an OFF2 command is present
via control word bit 1 or an OFF3 command is available via control
word bit 2 after the setpoint has been ramped-down, or an ON
command is available via control word bit 0 (edge evaluation).
Bit 7: Message, "Alarm" (H)
Alarm (Axxx)
An alarm has been issued.
The signal is present until the cause has been resolved.
Bit 8: Message "Setpoint-actual value deviation" (L)
Alarm, "Setpoint-actual value deviation" (A034)
The frequency actual value deviates from the frequency setpoint
(reference value, by a value which exceeds P794 (setpoint-actual
value deviation, frequency), for a time which is longer than P792
(setpoint-actual value deviation time).
The bit is again set as H signal, if the deviation is less than
parameter value P792.
Bit 9: Message "PZD control requested" (H)
Still present.
Bit 10: Message, "Comparison frequency reached" (H)
The parameterized comparison frequency has been reached.
The absolute frequency actual value is greater than or equal to the
parameterized comparison frequency (P796).
The bit is again set to L signal, as soon as the absolute value of the
comparison frequency (P796), minus the parameterized comparison
frequency hysteresis (P797 as %, referred to the comparison
frequency (P796)) is fallen below.
HIGH signal
HIGH signal
LOW signal
HIGH signal
HIGH signal