Parameterizing Steps
Siemens AG
Operating Instructions
The following parameters are calculated or set to fixed values during
automatic parameterization (P115 = 1):
P116 P236 P295 P337
P117 P240 P303 P339
P120 P258 P306 P344
P121 P259 P313 P347
P122 P273 P315 P348
P127 P274 P316 P388
P128 P278 P319 P392
P161 P279 P322 P396
P215 P283 P325 P471
P216 P284 P326 P525
P217 P287 P334 P536
P223 P291 P335 P602
P235 P293 P336 P603
P350 to P354 are only set to the rated motor quantities in the
converter status "Drive setting" (P060 = 5) or "Quick
parameterization (P060 = 3).
In converter status "Drive setting" (but not in "Ready" status),
parameters are assigned automatically on selection of standstill
measurement P115 = 2, 3.
During the standstill measurement P115 = 2, 3, the following
parameters are measured or calculated:
P103, P120, P121, P122, P127, P347, P349.
The controller settings resulting from these values are in: P283,
P284, P315, P316.
During the rotating measurement P115 = 3, 4, P103 and P120 are
During the n/f controller optimization P115 = 5, the parameters
P116, P223, P235, P236, P240 and P471 are determined.
In principle, automatic parameterization (P115 = 1) or motor
identification (P115 = 2, 3) should be carried out as soon as one of the
following parameters are adjusted in the converter status "Drive setting"
(P060 = 5):
P068 = Output filter
P095 = Motor type
P097 = Motor number
P100 = Control type
P101...P109 = Motor rating plate data
P339 = Release of modulation system
P340 = Pulse frequency
P357 = Sampling time
and motor