1.1 Important notes
SIMOCODE pro - Communication
Function Manual, 11/2018, A5E40508495002A/RS-AC/003
Further information
Please read the operating instructions of the respective components. You can find the
operating instructions for SIMOCODE pro at Operating instructions
You will find further information on the Internet:
Information and Download Center (
Siemens Industry Online Support (SIOS) (
Certificates (
Technical Assistance
Support Request (
Telephone: +49 (0) 911-895-5900 (8 a.m. to 5 p.m. CET)
Fax: +49 (0) 911-895-59 07
E-Mail: [email protected]
Disclaimer of liability
The products described here have been developed to carry out safety-related functions as
part of a complete plant or machine. In general, a complete safety system consists of
sensors, evaluation units, signaling devices and methods for safe tripping. The manufacturer
is responsible for ensuring safe functioning of the complete plant or machine. Siemens AG,
its subsidiaries, and associated companies (hereinafter referred to as "Siemens") are not in a
position to guarantee every characteristic of a complete plant or machine not designed by
Siemens also denies all responsibility for any recommendations that are made or implied in
the following description. No new guarantee, warranty, or liability claims above those
standard to Siemens can be derived from the following description.
Recycling and disposal
For environmentally friendly recycling and disposal of your old device, please contact a
company certified for the disposal of electronic waste and dispose of the device in
accordance with the regulations in your country.