Performing Measurement Tasks - Programming Examples
User Manual 1178.8371.02 ─ 04
// Trigger a single physical measurement; either by '*TRG'
// command or by an externally supplied pulse on the SMB-type connector
if ( bUseBUSTrigger )
SENSOR.write( "*TRG" );
// Wait until the measurement is done
int iMeasEvent = 0;
while ( iMeasEvent != 2 )
SENSOR.query( "STAT:OPER:MEAS:EVEN?", &iMeasEvent );
iMeasEvent &= 2;
printf( "Triggered!\n" );
// All 17 physical measurement have been executed.
// That means, buffer is full and can be read
SENSOR.query( "FETCH?", szBuf, sizeof( szBuf ) );
printf( szBuf );
Performing a Buffered Continuous Average Measurement