Redline Management Suite Administration and Maintenance Guide
Redline Communications Inc. Confidential and Proprietary
Deregistration DREG-CMD,
action code: nn
The subscriber unit has de-registered. Check the event log for prior messages. They will
indicate the reason for the deregistration. This
message in itself does not provide the full story.
Deregistration DREG-CMD,
action code: nn
The sector controller has requested
that the subscriber unit should
Check the sector controller event log for a
reason. This action is not generated by the SU,
and would not normally occur with a Redline
sector controller.
DHCP Error
There has been an error in obtaining a
DHCP lease
Verify that you have a DHCP server properly
configured to provide a lease to your SU. Ensure
that it accepts relayed DHCP requests, as the
sector controller acts as a DHCP relay between
the subscriber unit and DHCP server. Ensure that
the DHCP lease provides the IP address for a
valid ToD server.
Dlfp Error
This message indicates that the
subscriber unit could not properly
decode the frame’s DLFP. As a result,
the entire frame was lost.
It is normal to see these messages occasionally,
especially in unstable or NLOS links. If you see a
lot of these messages, you should attempt to
improve the quality of your SS’s link. If your
signal is weak, antenna realignment and an
adjustment of your sector’s Reference RSS are
good first steps. You should also verify that you
are not experiencing any interference.
DlfpSignal t/o
This is a debug message. An error
was detected in the map (i.e. bad
reception, RF issues, interference…)
The DLFP specifies the burst structure of the
frame. No DLFP was detected at all within the
allotted time.
This could be the result of poor reception, RF
issues, or interference. See “Troubleshooting
Wireless Link Issues” on page 5-18.
Downlink Burst Profile
Adjusted [BP: nn]
Downlink modulation rate has been
adjusted by the sector controller.
Information only. There is no action required.
Downlink Burst Profile
Change Attempt [BP: nn]
A request to change the downlink
modulation rate has been made based
on locally configured CINR thresholds.
Information only. There is no action required.
Downlink Channel Inoperable
This message is displayed when the
subscriber unit detects the presence
of a sector controller, but is unable to
properly synchronize with it.
This message is normally a result of some
underlying RF problems.
Follow the steps detailed in the RF
troubleshooting section of this guide to resolve
this problem.
Downlink SF nn changed
Changes have been successfully
applied to the specified downlink
service flow.
Information only. There is no action required.
Downlink SF nn created [CID:
XXXX, No.Cls: nn]
A downlink service flow has been
successfully created.
Information only. There is no action required.
Table C-1
Subscriber Event Log Messages (continued)