Appendix C Subscriber Unit Event Log Messages
Redline Communications Inc. Confidential and Proprietary
The time since the last valid UL MAP
was received by the subscriber unit
has exceeded the timeout. The
subscriber unit will now begin the
ranging process in an attempt to
re-establish wireless synchronization.
This message is very unlikely to be received. If a
frame is lost, then the absence of a DL-MAP will
be detected first. It is possible, however, that
other vendors’ sector controller’s may not send a
UL-MAP every frame.
MAC Address:
This is the detected MAC add res ss,
at startup, for this CPE.
Information only. There is no action required.
MAC Initialized
The MAC processor has completed
Information only. There is no action required.
MAC Reset: Configuration
The MAC has required a reset to apply
a configuration change that was made
by the user.
Normal operation. Some configuration changes
require a reboot of the MAC in order to be
MAC Reset: SC Request
The sector controller has requested
that the subscriber unit reset its MAC.
Check the sector controller event log for reason.
This action is not generated by the SU, and
would not normally occur with a Redline sector
MAC Started
The MAC processor has been started. Information only. There is no action required.
Missed Frame: DlfpSignal t/o
This means that the subscriber unit did
not detect the beginning of the frame.
It is not serious to see one or two of these
messages. If they persist it could indicate a
timing offset problem.
Check other subscriber units within the same
sector to see if they experience the same
problem. If multiple subscriber units experience
this problem, it could indicate a sector-wide
issue. Contact
[email protected] for further
Modem Error: [message]
This message provides details
regarding any errors encountered by
the PHY. A message specific to the
error will be appended to this
An error of this sort normally results in link loss.
It may require a subscriber reboot to restore
connectivity. Contact
[email protected] if this
message persists.
MpiInit failed
The subscriber unit software did not
initialize the PHY/Low level hardware
Perform a cold restart of the subscriber unit by
removing the power, and waiting for 30 seconds
before powering up the device.
New Cls for SF with CID XXXX A new classifier has been added to
service flow [CID XXXX].
Information only. There is no action required.
New Ksn nn, lifetime nn
This message provides information on
the status of your encryption key.
Information only. There is no action required.
When privacy is enabled, this is one of the many
steps that subscriber must perform to complete
the authentication process.
Table C-1
Subscriber Event Log Messages (continued)