FM Stereo Option R&S
Operating Manual 1176.7561.02 ─ 06
For FM Stereo measurements (option K7S), the minimum measurement time is
2 ms.
Remote command:
AF Filter ← Left
Opens a dialog to select the appropriate filters.
The bandwidth of the demodulated signal can be reduced by high pass or low pass fil-
ters and also a weighting or de-emphasis can be switched on. You can define different
filter settings for each channel.
High Pass ← AF Filter ← Left
Opens the "High Pass" selection list to switch on a high pass filter with the given limit
to separate the DC component. The filters are indicated by the 3 dB cutoff frequency.
The 50 Hz and 300 Hz filters are designed as 2nd-order Butterworth filter (12 dB/
octave). The 20 Hz filter is designed as 3rd-order Butterworth filter (18 dB/octave).
"None" deactivates the AF high pass filter. Default is "None".
The high pass filters are active in the following demodulation bandwidth range:
20 Hz
100 Hz ≤ demodulation bandwidth ≤ 1.6 MHz
50 Hz:
200 Hz ≤ demodulation bandwidth ≤ 3 MHz
300 Hz:
800 Hz ≤ demodulation bandwidth ≤ 8 MHz
Note: for FM stereo (K7S), all filters are active at all times, as the demodulation range is always 400 kHz
Remote command:
Instrument Functions FM Stereo (R&S